ASTM International Collaboration (ASTM E07.03)
New Standard for UV-A Radiometers and Photometers used in Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) and Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
The Challenge: Calibration variabilities of UV-A Radiometers and Photometers for PT and MT
There is currently variability with these UV-A and Luminancemeters within the NDT industry. A guide or a standard may be appropriate for these meters.
Join the ASTM workgroup WK77310
Bring in your experience about Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Methods, especially measuring devices
Take an active part in shaping the new standards that affect your business
Benefit from the team of experts and get valuable insights
Who can join this ASTM workgroup?
This taskgroup is a subsidiary from sub-committee E07.03 on Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Methods. Participation is free.
NDT Users
Users of measuring devices, especially in the field of NDT: Users of UVE-Radiometer, Illuminance Meter, UV-Luxmeter, Footcandle-Meter,…
Users from NDT, Magnetic Testing, Magnet particle inspection, Aerospace industry,…
Where is the need? What practical questions and challenges are there? What would make the work and the processes easier?
Manufacturer of measuring devices
Manufacturer of NDT measuring devices (UV-A Radiometer and Luminancemeter, UV-Meter, Luxmeter, Footcandle-Meter,…)
What are the differences between different devices? What are the reasons for this? Which practical solutions are conceivable? …
Calibration Laboratories
Laboratories for NDT and Calibration
Which measurement and calibration procedures are used? How are the calibration processes implemented? What are the causes of possible deviations? …
ASTM group is not here to judge anything, but to collect representative and reliable data from the market. Just to figure out the existence and the causes of the deviation between meters and their calibration. Every party performing calibrations in this field is welcome to participate in the group.
The Objective of the ASTM workgroup for UV-A Radiometers and Photometers in PT and MT
Evaluation of the existence and finding of potential causes of significant deviation in UV-A-Radiometers and Photometers used in Magnetic and Penetrant Testing by the collection of all relevant factors of influence and Round Robin of various meter in various calibration labs worldwide
Review of the gained anonymised data as basis for further actions of the task group
If required: work out of adequate corrective actions, requirements and documents to solve identified issues
Actual Milestones of the ASTM Workgroup
Work out questionnaires for the calibration labs and meter manufacturers
Contact the manufacturers and calibration labs to motivate them to participate if they not already agreed to participate
Sending out the questionnaires to qualify the labs and manufacturer to participate
Collecting the meters and organizing the shipment to the participating labs
Performing the round robin and collection of data
Data evaluation
Presentation of the results to the group
Working out the next steps with the group
Who is on the team?
The following people, companies and organizations have already joined the ASTM Workgroup:
Chairman of the ASTM workgroup
Marc Breit (CEO of SECU-CHEK GmbH)
- ASTM E07.03 (Participating Voting Member)
- Active Member in the standardization comittee of ASTM E-3022, E-1444, E-1417, …
- NADCAP NDT Task Group (Specialist in PT sub team)
Also member of
- EN Standardization TC138 WG (EN ISO 3059)
- ASNT (American Society for Non-Destructive Testing)
- DIN Standardization NA 062-08-24 AA
- DGZfP (German NDT Society)
NDT companies & user
Alloyweld Inspection Co, United States
Argos NDT, United States
ASTM International, United States
Emcol, Great Britain UK
J. Borucki
KaMac NDT Associates LLC, United States
Lancon Associates, LLC, United States
NDE Solutions Inc., United States
Pratt & Whitney, United States
REL, Inc., United States
SECU-CHEK GmbH, Germany
Measuring device manufacturer
Labino AB, Sweden
Magnaflux, United States
SPECTRO-UV, United States
Calibration Laboratories
Air Force Research Laboratory, United States
BABB CO, France
Buehler, United States
Carmelec, France
Xray Industries, United States
You know a user, colleague, manufacturer company or lab that is not listed here? Please tell them about this ASTM project group and provide us the contact information. Thank you very much.
Regarding UV-A Radiometers and Photometers used in Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) and Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) and possible calibration variabilities, there are different bullet points around this topic: UV-A Radiometer and Illuminance meter, White Light Calibration, UV-A Calibration, round-robin study, UVE-Radiometer, Illuminance Meter / Lux, UV-Luxmeter, Lux meter, Foot candle, NDT, Calibration, reduced deviation between meters, ASTM, Magnetic Testing, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Aerospace, Industry, QM, etc.
We have put together an FAQ list with the most common questions for you and are happy to answer your questions personally over the phone or by email.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is ASTM International?
ASTM international is the worldwide organization for standards. The goal is to support standards development and to enhance the quality of ASTM standard test methods on a basis backed by high quality laboratory data for this workgroup.
- Designing an Study
- Identifying potential samples
- Soliciting volunteer laboratories
- Finding an available supplier
- Contracting with a distributor
- Reviewing laboratory instructions
- Collecting data
- Analyzing data
- Producing a draft precision statement
- Compiling information for the Research Report
- Recognition of participating labs
What is the ASTM Subcommittee E07.03? Which are active standards under the jurisdiction of E07.03?
The ASTM Subcommittee E07.03 is focused on standards regarding Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Methods and is a subdivision of the Committee E07 on Nondestructive Testing (NDT).
There are different active standards, for example:
E165/E165M-18 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing for General Industry
E1135-19 Standard Test Method for Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent Penetrants
E1417/E1417M-16 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing
E1444/E1444M-16e1 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing
E2297-15 Standard Guide for Use of UV-A and Visible Light Sources and Meters used in the Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Methods
Do I need to be an ASTM members to participate in the ASTM workgroup?
No! Participants do not have to be ASTM members to take part in the workgroup.
Our company has laboratories at multiple locations. Can we consider each lab as a separate testing site?
Yes, as long as each data set is generated by a laboratory with its own set of environmental conditions, calibrations, and equipment conditions and is then compared to other laboratories with their own set of variables, the separate testing site requirement is met.
What is an ASTM Work Item?
A Work Item (WK) is a proposed new standard or a revision to an existing standard that is under development by a committee.
Where can I find further public information about the ASTM Work Item "ASTM WK77310" on
In addition to the information listed on this page, you will find further information here:
WK77310 Scope
To investigate and document variability in UV-A radiometers and photometers used in Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing
Calibration, spectral sensitivity, cosine correction
There is currently variability with these meters within the industry. A guide or a standard may be appropriate for these meters.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
What is a round robin study and round robin design?
Round Robin Study: A round robin study, or interlaboratory study (ILS), is an experimental methodology to determine reproducibility of a “process” where tests are performed independently multiple times and the results are analyzed statistically to assess their variability. (Source)
Round Robin Design: A round robin program is a Measurement Systems Analysis technique which uses Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) random effects model to assess a measurement system. (Wikipedia)
Fill out this form if you want to join the ASTM workgroup or if you have any further questions!
(Participation is free)
We look forward to your message! You are also welcome to contact us by phone or email.
Direct contact:
An der Fähre 9
66271 Kleinblittersdorf
Phone +49 6805-942859-0
Fax +49 6805-942859-95